Oh good, more I must read

This week’s theme from the Broke and the Bookish are the top ten Authors I have only read one book from, though must read more under pain of death. Or a similar, if less sinister, version of that.

  1. Robert Galbraith

Ah yes, I’m aware this is cheating. Matters not! J.K. Rowling’s The Cuckoo’s Calling felt like an old friend when I read it. The comfortable writing style was better than a hug. Silkworm come at me.

  1. Ian McEwan

Also a lie, I have read two of his books, Atonement, one of the greatest literary masterpieces ever, and Solar, an atrocity (mostly just content and awful characters not actual writing) that haunts my dreams still. For a while there, I simply refused to acknowledge him as an author/human. But I think it is time I start again. And what would you know, The Children Act just came out!

  1. Belinda Alexandra

I’ve only read Wild Lavender and it was one of my favourite books growing up. I’ve seen on Goodreads that people actually think it pales in comparison to some of her other work. This can only mean good things. I really should endeavour to find her other flowery titles: White Gardenia.

  1. Patrick Ness

The Knife of Never Letting Go was such an excellent premise for a novel, I was so excited to read the next one, though at the time I didn’t have access to it. I’m afraid I might have grown out of it though.

  1. Paul Hoffman

I read The Left Hand of God one day when I was sick. A friend bought it over and suggested I might like to read it, not having any new books of my own at the time. It was through one of my non-reading phases that I read it, and consumed it in a day. I really ought to find out what happened to the protagonist…

  1. Margaret Atwood

Having only read The Handmaidens Tale, I have already seen the potential that Atwood has, not only in her literary capacity, but her imagination.

  1. John Green

While I wasn’t that impressed with The Fault in our Stars I would really like to understand the fuss that he has recently caused. Perhaps I shall find the answer in one of his other tales.

  1. Neil Gaiman

Believe it or not, I have only read one of his actual novels (The Graveyard Book), though this is also
sort of cheating as I do have a novels worth of short stories of his as well. At the present I have American Gods sitting beside my bed, which I intend to get to…shortly.

  1. Sarah J. Maas

For those of you who follow my blog consistently you will notice I am currently in the process of fulfilling this ‘must’ list. Okay no, just number nine. I read Mass’ Throne of Glass, figured it was only so-so, so I had to read more. It is picking up. Thankfully.

10. Kazuo Ishiguro

Back when I had time to spare I was involved (created) a book club, and the book I chose was called Never Let me Go. It was one of the emptiest books I have ever read. I felt like I misplaced my soul by the end of it. So naturally I thought it was excellent. Apparently, Remains of the Day is even better.

18 thoughts on “Oh good, more I must read

  1. Bec Graham

    Omg read American Gods next. Throw aside whatever you’re reading instead and read American Gods. And then Neverwhere and then The Ocean At The End Of The Lane. Gaiman is amazing. Absolutely. 🙂


  2. mushypeasonearth

    I adore Ian McEwan 😦 Solar is not his greatest work but I still thought it was pretty good. The Child in Time is my favourite and I would also recommend Saturday and Sweet tooth which are both quite recent.


    1. Amy Wallin Post author

      I agree with solar on the good writing, I just hated to protagonist so much it was painful to read. Seriously he had zero good qualities, not even a saving grace. I will definitely try one of his newer ones.



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